The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, the SEC and the CFTC jointly confirmed recently that entities subject to the Volcker Rule would the have the full two year
Volcker Rule
Dodd-Frank; Is It Doomed To Fail?
Much has happened in nearly one since since the Dodd-Frank Act became effective, and much more remains. According to the recent thoughts of one commentator, Kyle Colona of Compliance EX…
Fox Rothschild Primer on Government Investigation– All Invited
Please join us for this program on Thursday, January 5, 2012.
C:Documents and SettingsebadwayLocal SettingsTemporary Internet FilesOLK8Fcle_GovernmentAndInternalInvestigations.htmlContinue Reading Fox Rothschild Primer on Government Investigation– All Invited
Clawback Insurance – What Will the SEC Say?
I read this interesting piece on the today, “Pushing Back on Clawbacks” which describes how D&O insurers are now offering protection against a clawback. The companies argue…
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SEC Extends Comment Period For ABS Conflicts Proposal
On October 5, 2011, I blogged about the SEC’s proposed rule on conflicts of interests in certain securitizations (“ABS Conflicts Proposal”). The SEC published the proposed rule on September 28…
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The Volcker Rule: the Greatest and/or Worst Regulation Ever?
The SEC recently joined the FDIC, the OCC and the Federal Reserve in advancing the Volcker Rule for public comment. The Volcker Rule is shaping up to be one of…
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