The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) recently announced that it expects to send a proposal to the SEC to make it easier for registered representatives to clear their record of
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Registered Representatives
Secret Witnesses in Securities Litigation
Over the years and, most certainly, since the passage of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, plaintiffs’ lawyers have used confidential witnesses in their pleadings.
Plaintiffs’ lawyers, typically, do not name these…
Arbitration in the 21st Century
We have previously blogged on changes in the arbitration process. We have seen that commercial arbitration, and, in particular, the securities arbitration process, is undergoing a transformation.
The backdrop for these changes…
Crowd Funding Delayed
In a not so surprising development, the SEC announced that even SEC registered broker dealers may not act as a crowd funding intermediaries under the JOBS Act because the SEC has…
SEC Enforcement Wrap-Up
In regular intervals, SEC Enforcement Director, Robert Khuzami as well as other agency officials, attend conventions and conferences, spouting off about the wonderful progress the SEC and other enforcement agencies have made…
Intriguing Thoughts on Regulatory Sovereignty
In a speech by SEC Commissioner Elisse B. Walter, the SEC, apparently, is indicating a significant shift in its view of cross-border cooperation.
Over many years, the SEC has been viewed as…
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Sarbanes-Oxley Redux
We have not talked about the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in sometime, so let’s jump right in!!
Interestingly, over the last 10 years since Sarbanes-Oxley became effective, audit costs for public and…
Jobs Act Emerging Growth Status Disclosure
The SEC’s Chief Accountant announced that a number of companies may be unaware they fall under the disclosure requirement for Emerging Growth Company status under the JOBS Act.
As a result…
SEC Announces Nearly 4,000 New Registered Investment Advisors
The SEC’s Division of Investment Management has announced that nearly 4,000 investment advisors have registered with the SEC pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.
In fact…
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No-Action Request Granted for Electronic Platform
In a letter from the SEC’s Division of Trading and Market staff on July 19, 2012, the SEC staff indicated that broker-dealer registration would not be required for a trading platform, essentially…
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