U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

The head of Fox Rothschild’s IP practice and our partner, Gerry Norton, was recently quoted by NJBiz on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Myriad Genetics Inc. case.  See http://www.njbiz.com/article/20130416/NJBIZ01/130419842/Genetics-case-has-huge-implications-for-NJ-biotech-industry.  Gerry’s

Continue Reading Fox’s Gerry Norton Quoted on Big U.S. Supreme Court BioTech Case

Fox Rothschild is proud to be the host sponsor of IMPACT 2013 Venture Summit – the most established venture summit in the Northeast. This year’s conference will be held October

Continue Reading Investors, Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Save the Date for Fox’s Own, Michael Harrington, at IMPACT 2013 Venture Summit!

pointing.jpgFINRA recently proposed amending Rule 8313 regarding the public release of disciplinary complaints and decisions.  For anyone conscious through the financial crisis commencing in 2008, this proposal should come as no

Continue Reading Why Should You Care About FINRA’s Proposed Amendment To Rule 8313