If you look around Philadelphia, you can see signs of a vibrant, growing city. Neighborhoods long lost to urban decay and lost manufacturing jobs are finding new life as homes to the growing creative class of artists and entrepreneurs. Philadelphia is in the nascent stages of a renaissance. New businesses are created every day, and growing enterprises that might have left the city a decade ago are reinvesting in their hometown in growing numbers. (The news hasn’t been exclusively good, but it’s still been more positive than negative.)
My colleagues at Fox would tend to agree. That’s why we’re especially excited for IMPACT 2012 Venture Summit Mid-Atlantic Presented by PACT and AlwaysOn. Impact 2012 is a conference November 7th and 8th that will be as awesome as its name is long.
And, as a pretty freakin’ awesome bonus for entrepreneurs: IMPACT is in the middle of its “200 for $200” drive: the first 200 entrepreneurs who sign up get to register at a special $200 rate – that’s $900 off the normal rate. Not too bad for the opportunity to hob knob with investors, venture capitalists and PE funds at the Ritz-Carlton.