Alas, the market crashes (nearly, 8% of its value today) and your 401k plan is devastated, but could it get worse? Of course, it could. Brokers and investment advisers as
Continue Reading The Market Crashing = Litigation Explosion!
Analysis of cutting-edge securities industry issues
Alas, the market crashes (nearly, 8% of its value today) and your 401k plan is devastated, but could it get worse? Of course, it could. Brokers and investment advisers as…
Continue Reading The Market Crashing = Litigation Explosion!
In the hectic world of financial services, registered representatives and investment adviser representatives are always looking to increase their assets under management. At what cost? Are there situations where you…
Continue Reading When just saying “no” is a good thing
Every time that I start a FINRA arbitration, I find myself having the same internal debate; did we pick the right person to serve as the arbitration chair. Unfortunately, you…
Continue Reading Who wants to chair a FINRA arbitration
Over the years that I have defended broker-dealers and investment advisors on customer-initiated claims, I have seen many things that would make any compliance officer cringe. One spine tingling (not…
Continue Reading Don’t Argue; The Client Is Always Right Even When They Are Not
If you thought the SEC and FINRA were serious about elder issues, welcome to the Alabama, Indiana and Vermont. Each has focused on elder abuse issues.
These states will have…
Continue Reading Elder Abuse Takes Another Twist and Turn
Anyone in a professional service business, like being a stock broker, have been faced with a client who decides to make a stupid decision. But the issue we all face…
Continue Reading What to do about a stupid client
It was great speaking at the May 17 New York NSCP regional conference on risk issues facing firms where Ernie Badway and I discussed cyber-security, risk issues, regulatory matters, issues…
Continue Reading Take Away From The NSCP New York Regional Conference
Most people say that New Year resolutions are only as good as the paper on which they are written. Notwithstanding that ringing endorsement, I will give it a shot.
Continue Reading Ten New Year Resolutions That Will Help Your Firm
Now that I have your attention, there is a pretty tried and true method to avoiding customer complaints, especially in this volatile market. All too often, clients hide in their…
Continue Reading Who Wants To Avoid Being Sued In This Market?
Not too long ago, I tried a case that had, among other issues, the improper use of the advisor’s personal email account. That improper use serves as a valuable lesson…
Continue Reading Do you really need a reason why not to provide your client with a personal email address