The United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) has had a very active summer regulating the securities industry. Yes, you heard it right, the DOL has made certain pronouncements that have
Continue Reading The DOL: The New Securities Regulator?

Analysis of cutting-edge securities industry issues
The United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) has had a very active summer regulating the securities industry. Yes, you heard it right, the DOL has made certain pronouncements that have…
Continue Reading The DOL: The New Securities Regulator?
Acknowledging the self-promotion aspect of this blog, we wanted to invite you to attend Josh Horn’s seminar at the NSCP National Conference in Atlanta. Josh’s presentation is on Monday, October …
Continue Reading Josh Horn to Speak at NSCP National Conference
Nearly a year ago, FINRA adopted Rule 2165 (Financial Exploitation of Specified Adults) and amended Rule 4512 (Customer Account Information). This new rule and amended rule were ways to address…
Continue Reading FINRA’s Further Guidance On Seniors
The SEC recently put out an Investor Bulletin on wrap fees. Although this guidance is steered toward consumers, there are lessons to be learned by firms who offer such programs.
Continue Reading Takeaways From The SEC Investor Bulletin On Wrap Fee
In Notice to Members 17-38, FINRA has put out for comment a change to Rule 3110 that would allow the remote inspection of certain “qualifying offices” as that term is…
Continue Reading What’s The Deal With Branch Office Inspections?
The SEC recently announced an enforcement initiative that will target retail investor harm. The agency’s task force will use data analytics to find widespread problems regarding fee disclosures and unsuitable…
Continue Reading So The SEC Is Now Focused On Retail Investors
FINRA is considering a number of changes to its arbitration procedure. For a good discussion on the subject, see this article.
Continue Reading FINRA Changes To Arbitration Procedure
For a nice discussion on the SEC’s cyber-security alert, please see this link.
Continue Reading Cyber-Security and the SEC Alert
FINRA is ever-increasing its focus on rogue brokers. For the latest on this issue, check out this recent post.
Continue Reading Rogue Brokers Beware
FINRA has recently issued a notice to members regarding to the enhancement of confirmation disclosures. Here is a link to that notice.
Continue Reading FINRA Notice to Members; Enhanced Confirmation Disclosures