The SEC recently created a new position associated with cybersecurity; senior adviser to the chair for cybersecurity (Christopher R. Hetner). Mr. Hetner has an extensive background in information technology and, in particular, cybersecurity.
According to the SEC, Mr. Hetner will be responsible for (i) coordinating cybersecurity efforts across the SEC; (ii) engaging with external stakeholders; and (iii) enhancing SEC mechanisms for assessing broad-based market risk. This appointment could have a wide-ranging on the industry.
As we know, the SEC has made cybersecurity an exam priority over the last few years. The SEC is also actively conducting cybersecurity investigations and undertaking enforcement actions where appropriate. According to Chairperson White, the SEC is looking to bolster its risk-based approach. So what does this mean on a day-to-day basis?
Understand that the SEC has just upped the stakes. By retaining an industry expert who is solely focused on data-security related issues, the industry must be prepared for the SEC and FINRA to come after firms regardless if the firm sustains a breach or clients suffer harm as a result. Firms with weak or no data-security programs will surely be targeted.
Are you prepared to handle this even more focused mission of the SEC? If not, you need to more fully review you systems and procedures, both internally and externally facing. Are you testing your systems and procedures on a regular basis? If not, you better start.
The SEC is prepared; are you?